Introducing the Global WEP

The Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Policy (Global WEP) network is a group of international researchers committed to enhancing women’s economic empowerment by informing the development of more inclusive entrepreneurship policies.

The Global WEP community provides a forum for colleagues engaged in a range of projects on women's entrepreneurship as well as working with partners to shape policy and practice. The Global WEP network provides a platform to share and showcase work, as well as to connect and collaborate.

The work of Global WEP members was the basis of the report prepared by the OECD on 'Entrepreneurship Policies through a Gender Lens' which examined how to strengthen the scope and effectiveness of entrepreneurship policies for women.

To access the report click here

Aims of Global WEP

Established in Stockholm in 2014 by Colette Henry as an outcome of the DIANA international Research Conference, the Global WEP network aims to:


Key partners 

We are proud to work closely and collaborate with the following organisations with whom we have a shared commitment to women's entrepreneurship and enterprise.